22 Nov 2011

Women Beauty Tips


College girls are short on time and this means that they need some real good tips on makeup that can be done quickly.
1. If you want plump lips and a pout, all you need to do is to place your index finger vertically at the lips’ center and press the same for a minute. Your lips will stay plump for the next fifteen minutes.
2. If you want fresh looking skin, you can try out spraying a skin-suiting toner and pat it dry quickly with a tissue paper. You then need to follow it with loose powder.
3. If you have cracked and chapped lips, you can apply a hydrating eye cream on the lips. This cream offers deep penetration besides making the lips appear soft and smooth within a few minutes.
4. In order to enhance appeal of your eyes, you can try out a brown eyebrow pencil and mascara. You can even try out a beige or white eye pencil instead of black to offer a bright look to the eyes.
In addition to these tips, it is always good to keep your skin moisturized during morning and night. For this, you can use a good moisturizeror a combination of 2 tablespoons of tomato juice and four tablespoons of curd. You now need to mix the juice and curd in a container thoroughly. Once done, you can apply the mixture on your skin and leave it for 20-30 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Below you will find beauty secrets for your skin and hair

Beauty Secrets For Cleansing

Apricot Cleansing Cream
4 tablespoons of apricot oil
2 tablespoons of sesame seed oil
2 tablespoons of butter
1 tablespoon distilled water
Beat the ingredients, by hand or in a blender, until completely smooth and creamy. Keep in a refrigerator.
Olive Cleansing Cream
4 tablespoons green olive oil
2 tablespoons of sesame seed oil
2 tablespoons of lard (vegetable fat)
2 drops of any essence
Beat the ingredients together until creamy. Keep refrigerated.

Beauty Secrets for Toning

Cucumber Toner

1 peeled cucumber
1 teaspoon of witch hazel
1 teaspoon of rose water
egg white
Mash the cucumber, add witch hazel and rose water; beat the egg white to a froth; mix well. Refrigerate. Strain before use.

Rose Vinegar

4 cups of dried red roses
½ cup of essence of rose
1 pint vinegar
Put all the ingredients in a lidded glass jar; allow to stand for three weeks, often shaking it. Strain, and dilute with equal parts of distilled water. Use as a toner.

Beauty Secrets for Facemasks

Cucumber Mask

1 cucumber
¼ teaspoon of lemon juice
1 teaspoon witch hazel
1 teaspoon alcohol
1 egg white, whipped
Peel the cucumber and extract the juice, add lemon juice, witch hazel and alcohol. Stir well; then blend in the whipped egg. Allow to dry on your face for a minimum of 15 minutes. Rinse off.

Honey Mask

1 tablespoon of honey
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon olive oil
Beat the egg yolk into the oil, then blend in the honey. Apply to your face and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing away.

Miscellaneous Beauty Secrets

Anti-Sunburn Cream

1 egg white, beaten
1 teaspoon of honey
½ teaspoon of witch hazel
Blend all the ingredients together until even. Smooth over bad sunburn. Always refrigerate.

Rose Essence

3 handfuls of dried rose petals
sweet almond oil as needed
In a glass bowl or jar, put the dried rose petals and cover with the oil. Put the pot in a pan of simmering water, heat until the oil has removed all the colour of the petals. Strain; keep tightly lidded.

Beauty Secrets for Your Hair

Olive Oil Conditioning

Put a very small amount of olive oil onto the palm of your hand; rub your hands together so they glisten. Now apply to your hair where it needs it most i.e. at the ends. Scrunch it sparingly through the rest of your hair avoiding the roots. Leave for ten minutes so the hair shafts can absorb it, then comb through, and style as usual. Your hair will absorb the oil and it will help to define curls and add weight to light flyaway hair. This is one of my favourite beauty secrets.

Olive Oil Conditioning 2

For very dry hair, massage 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil from roots to ends. Wring out a towel in hot water and wind round your head turban-style and leave on for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes shampoo and rinse your hair using your normal shampoo and style as usual. This will give deep conditioning and leave your hair soft and manageable. 

Beauty Secrets for Your Hands

Cuticle Softener

1 tablespoons of fresh or frozen pineapple juice
2 tablespoons of egg yolk
½ teaspoon of cider vinegar
Mix together – a very sloppy texture in which nails should be soaked for 30 minutes. It can be preserved for a while in the refrigerator.

Protective Cream

(wear under gloves)
1 dessertspoon of fuller's earth powder (buy sachet from pharmacists)
1 dessertspoon of almond oil
2 egg yolks
Mix all three ingredients together into an even blend; keep chilled until use. Keep on during the day under gloves or overnight, then rinse off.


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