Job Ready

The only online Genuine job, I too working, I received Check Amount of about ~$250 in past 4 month, I work only 4 to 5 hour in Hight (India),
No investment in this job,

  1. Go to
  2. Register
  3. Start working,
  4. Your need to upload your ID proof,
  5. Check will be sent to your ID Proof address,
  6. All details are Sensitive, so be True.
  7. This an example work.
  8. Scroll more for details explanation.

Step 1- Home Page-Mechanical Turk

This is Amazon Mechanical Turk home page; currently there are 179929 HITs are available as on now ie 18th March-2010. HITs means jobs, very petty online jobs. There are two categories on Mturk home page one is for worker and another one for requester, requester means client or employer who give jobs (HITs).

Step 2- Register as Worker

Here we are going to show how to register as a “Worker”; please note that requester can register only from US, means only US people can register as requester, workers can be from anywhere in the world (I am not sure if any restriction for any countries)
As marked in this screen shot; at top right side of this of Amazon Mturk page, you can see a links “Already have an account?” signin as Worker or Requester. Please click on worker and then you will be forwarded to one form to fill all your details.
You need to provide your full proper address where you will receive your courier, your contact number, land mark and your identity proof.
When you click as “Worker” you will be forwarded to the below page and please check “I am a new user”

Now click on “sign in using our secure server” yellow button and keep following filling all the information; you need to provide your valid email id, password etc…

Step 3- Log in to Mturk

After registering, you would be forwarded to Mturk main page where you can access your account. See this screen shot given below, you can see your name, HITS, your total earnings, qualifications etc…
There you can see my current earnings; 202 $, approved hits, rejected hits, pending hits etc...

Step 4- Choose work for you

Now time to choose best job for you; please see the screen shot below. Top of the page you can see, “Your accounts”, “Hits” and “Qualifications”
Mturk Hits
Now you click on "HITS" at top middle and then you will forward to a page where you can see all. At right side after short description of hit you can see “view a hit in this group” please click on it… please note that some hits will be available for some particular country or for doing some hits you may required to do qualifications test. Eligible hits will be in light blue color and other will be in gray/brown mix color…
Mturk View a hit
Once you click “view a click in this hit” button you will forward to this below page; in this page you can see timer clock which will start working once you click “Accept” button, please don’t click accept button until you understand the exact job description, go back and do same for another hit if you find you cant do this hit. You accept the hit and if you are not able to complete the task, your qualification percentage will go down and in that case you would not be able to do some hit which requires high percentage qualifications.
At the right side you can see “Reward”, “hits available” and “duration”; always look for high pay and easy do able hits and keep earning good money.
Mturk hit description

I won't Add any other job in this page, because is only genuine online job with out investment, that i did.


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