16 Nov 2011

How to create a partition in Windows 8

In this tutorial we are going to explain how to create a partition in Windows 8.

Create new partition Windows 8
1. Click on the Start button, then on Search to open up the Metro search. Click on Settings in the right sidebar and enter “create partition” into the search bar:
Create and format hard disk partition Windows 8
2. Analyze your current partitions. I assume all your partitions are full and there is no free disk space. If that is correct, you will have to shrink a partition. Right-click on the partition your want to shrink e.g. C: and click on Shrink Volume:
IMPORTANT: If you have unallocated disk space, you DO NOT have to shrink another partition. Simply skip step 2-3 and start creating your partition
Shrink volume in Windows 8
3. You should now enter the number of MB you want to shrink. Let’s say you want a partition for your movie collection and it should be quite large, then you’d enter something like 500000 (500k). Simply do some calculations. This is not too difficult 1000 MB = 1GB. One movie is about 1GB or a large game is about 2GB
This obviously depends on how large your partition is. I enter a low value – only 5000 MB (5GB)

shrink partition in Windows 8
4. Next you should see a new box with black stripes that says “Unallocated”. As you can see 5000MB are not exactly 5GB, but I hope you already knew that.
Unallocated disk space
5. Right-click on the box and select New Simple Volume
Create new partition Windows 8
6. This will open up the Partition Creation Wizard. Simply follow the instructions on the screen.
partition wizard
7. The default settings are ok. Select NTFS as the file system and enter a name for your new partition (you can rename it later on)
partition format settings
8. Windows 8 should now display this – congratz you have created a new partition in Windows 8
newly created partition
If you still have problems creating a new partition in Windows 8 post your questions below.


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