17 Nov 2011

'Killer Samurai' Sudoku

Killer Samurai Sudoku is a combination of Killer Sudoku and Samurai Sudoku. They are merged together to create a challenging variation of Sudoku for the many sudoku addicts who want to solve more challenging puzzles. 

Killer Samurai Sudoku Rules

Killer Samurai is an advance variation of Sudoku. Before undertaking a Killer Samurai Puzzle it is very advisable to have a go at solving a Killer Sudoku puzzle as Killer Samurai is almost identical to killer sudoku except it comprises of 5 interlocking killer sudoku grids. If you can solve a killer sudoku puzzle then there is a good chance you can solve these puzzles. As a quick review the rules are as followed:
In each coloured area there is a small number. This represents the total of all the numbers in that coloured area. To solve the puzzle you must make sure that every column, row and every 3x3 box in each larger 9x9 grid contains the numbers 1 through to 9.
A few tips to bear in mind: Remember that there is often a limited combinations for each area. For instance if there are two cells in a coloured area that total up to 5 then there is only two combinations. That of 1 and 4 or 2 and 3. The other tip which is very useful for starting a puzzle is to remember that each 3x3 area totals up to 45. This means that if all the coloured groups are all contained in a 3x3 area except for 1 square. Then that square can be worked out. Because if you total those coloured areas and then minus 45 then you will have calculated the value that must go in the square sticking out of the 3x3 area. (Hopefully I will be able to write some tutorials on solving a Killer Samurai Puzzle soon.).

Colour Killer Samurai Sudoku Puzzles



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