16 Nov 2011

Very Beautiful Windows 8 Fish Theme 2012

If you like fishes and other underwater animals, you will love this beautiful Windows 8 theme with some amazing fish wallpapers. One for each month of 2012.

The following theme by FishCalendars.com includes some really nice fish wallpapers. If you like fishes, you might also want to check out their website to buy a calendar.

Fish Theme for Windows 8

Here are the first 4 desktop calendars for January 2012 until April 2012:
Fish Calendar Desktop Theme

Desktop Wallpaper for February 2012
Fish Calendar Desktop Theme
Desktop Wallpaper for March 2012
Fish Calendar Desktop Theme
Desktop Wallpaper for April 2012
Fish Calendar Desktop Theme
This theme works well on Windows 8 Developer Preview and Windows 7 32-bit, 64-bit
Check back next week for more cool Windows 8 themes including a few new animal themes


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